We are more than our data.

We believe as D4BL and Demos point out so profoundly that the underlying driver is “data capitalism: an economic model built on the extraction and commodification of data and the use of big data and algorithms as tools to concentrate and consolidate power in ways that dramatically increase inequality along lines of race, class, gender, and disability.

At its core, racial inequality is a feature, not a bug, of data capitalism. Indeed, big data is not as novel or revolutionary as it is commonly understood it to be. Instead, it is part of a long and pervasive historical legacy and technological timeline of scientific oppression, aggressive public policy, and the most influential political and economic system that has shaped and continues to shape this country’s economy: chattel slavery. Algorithmic racism occurs when contemporary big data practices generate results that reproduce and spread racial disparities, shifting power and control from Black and brown people and communities.”

We partner with leading community-focused financial organizations that realize they can make a difference with their data.


We built AI/ML solutions that is transparent and can be audited to remove bias.

Worthiness is more than credit

It’s been shown that the three major credit agencies have a “black-box” approach to their algorithms regarding creditworthiness. Systemically, black and brown communities have had fewer access to fair reporting due to a litany of historical injustices. ATTAIN set out to work with a leading fintech that did not base its decisions solely on FICO scores but rather took the holistic human approach. With our AI/ML solution, we created a new “credit rating” for homeowners.

Private Equities approach to foreclosures

When residential mortgages pass 90 days in late payments, they are considered in arrears. Typically banks need to move these “non-performing” loans off their books and do so through auctions. These auctions, although open to all financial institutions, have been leaned towards private equity firms whose goal is to reclaim the asset (house) through a foreclosure process. ATTAIN worked with our fintech client to create a fair AI/ML analysis plus human involvement in their loss mitigation waterfall strategies. This prevents more than 80% of homeowners going into foreclosure and thus retaining their homes and preserving generation wealth.

Financial education to communites

Financial education can be more than just a textbook approach. Most are platitudes without any actual real-world solutions to personal needs. With our fintech client, we are developing an individual-based solution that brings a holistic approach to their cash flow that can predict future issues and help avert returning problems.


Financial organizations can work together to create positive change to communities.